We kindly request you to adhere to the rules of preparation, execution and design of the manuscripts for Kherson State University Herald. Series: “Linguistics”. The manuscripts should be executed in accordance with the national standards and meet the requirements of the Resolution of HAC of Ukraine No 7-05/1 dated 15.01.2003: “… to accept articles which have the following essential elements: problem statement in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; the analysis of recent researches and papers in which the solution of the problem was initiated and the author relies on; the presentation of previously unresolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to; formulation of article goals (task statement); presentation of the main information with a full substantiation of findings; conclusions from the research and prospects for further investigation in this area”.

General requirements:
The order of structural elements in the article:
1. You should indicate in article’s language:
•    title
•    full name of article’s author (-s) (maximum two persons);
•    scientific degree, academic rank (if any), post, place of employment/study, e-mail;
•    ORCID ID code. If the author doesn’t have an account in ORCID it is obligatory to log in at;
•    summary and key words;
Summary volume is 1800 symbols without spaces (200-300 words). The following structure is necessary for the summary: Purpose, Results and Conclusions. The summary should include 5-10 key words or words combinations, and none of them can repeat article’s title.

2. You should indicate in English:
•    title
•    full name of article’s author (-s) (maximum two persons);
•    scientific degree, academic rank (if any), post, place of employment/study, e-mail;
•    ORCID ID code. If thex author doesn’t have an account in ORCID it is obligatory to log in at;
•    summary and key words;
Summary volume is 1800 symbols without spaces (200-300 words). The following structure is necessary for the summary: Purpose, Results and Conclusions. The summary should include 5-10 key words or words combinations, and none of them can repeat the article’s title.

3. Article text:
Introduction is a necessary part of the paper where the author indicates topic’s novelty and relevance of scientific solutions. The purpose should be clearly noted along with scientific tasks. It is essential to mark methodology, logic presentation of material under examination.
The main text should be divided into information sections with separate headings (up to 4-6 words).
The article should have Conclusions which present detailed conclusions based on the study’s results and prospects for further research in this focus area.

4. Bibliography.
Bibliographic entry is executed in accordance with the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”. The article may be rejected due to improper execution of sources.

5. References.
It is executed in accordance with АРА (APA Style Reference Citations). There is an author (transliteration), title (transliteration), title (in square brackets translated into English), source name, output data (city in English), publishing house (transliteration).

For example:
1. Arutiunova N. D. (2007) Problemy morfolohii i slovotvoru [Problems of morphology and word formation]. М.: Movy slovianskykh kultur, 288 p.

2. Batsevych F. S. (2009). Osnovy komunikatyvnoi linhvistyky [Basics of communicative linguistics]. Kyiv: Akademiia, 376 p.

Transliteration of names and surnames from Ukrainian is executed in accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Normalization of Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet by Means of  Latin Alphabet” dated January 27, 2010, No 55.
Transliteration from Russian is executed in accordance with GOST 7.79-2000. System of Standards on Information, Librarianship and Publishing. Rules of Transliteration of Cyrillic Script by Latin Alphabet.

Rules for execution of reference to literature and bibliographic entry:
References to literature is marked exclusively in round brackets according to the example:

Проблематика перекладацької діяльності може бути розглянута в історико-культурологічному, лінгвістичному, психолінгвістичному аспектах, оскільки «під час перекладу відбувається зіткнення не лише лексичних, граматичних систем, а й комунікативно-прагматичних, лінгвопоетичних, соціокультурних уявлень, менталітету мовців» (Селіванова, 1999).

Водночас основними функціями звертань у ліриці є апелятивна, характеризувальна, емоційно-виразна та номінативна (Степихова, 2009).

If source pages are indicated, they are marked via two spot, e.g.  (Бондаренко, 2002: 25–27).

Technical requirements:
•    article volume – 10-20 pages, A4, typed in Microsoft Word;
•    font – Times New Roman, 14 pt.; space lining – 1,5; all fields – 20 mm;
•    if the article have tables and (or) figures, they should by compacts, have a title, font – Times NewRoman, 12 pt. Mathematical formulas must be thoroughly checked and clearly printed. The number of tables, formulas and illustrations should be minimal and relevant. Figures and tables on album sheets are not accepted.

Language: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Spanish, German, Turkish

•    Articles of Doctors of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences, young scholars (postgraduate students, students) as well as of other persons who have higher educational attainment and are engaged in scholarly endeavor are accepted for publication.
•    Authors submit articles that are own original researches which meet the rules of citation and references. Submission of false information or plagiarism is unacceptable and unethical. In addition, it is accepted articles that have not been published in other journals.
•    Editorial board reserves the right to review, edit, reduce and reject articles.
•    The author is responsible for the reliability of facts, statistics and other information. Reprinting (re-editing) of papers is possible only with consent of the author and the editorial office.